The recruitment process was being done in the police department. The minister’s brother-in-law is also involved in joining the police force. After the race, the minister’s brother-in-law took 5:30 minutes to complete 1600 meter race, but the inspection officer wrote 5 minutes. When the list was shown to DSP, he is the minister’s brother-in-law, she changed time 5 to 4:30 minutes. Likewise, the list forwarded from DSP to SP and to DIG.
When the list reached to IG, time was reduced to 2:30 minutes.
IG wondered, “Who is he who ran 1600 meters in just 2:30 minutes?
Constable – “Sir, he is minister’s brother-in-law”.
With anger IG – “it’s Okay,you f**, but once you must check the Word record”.